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ID Category Severity Type Date Submitted Last Update
0001503 [Issue 8 drafts] Base Definitions and Headers Editorial Enhancement Request 2021-08-07 20:59 2024-06-11 09:12
Reporter andras_farkas View Status public  
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Priority normal Resolution Accepted As Marked  
Status Closed   Product Version
Name Andras Farkas
User Reference
Section math.h
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Final Accepted Text Note: 0005541
Summary 0001503: Potential new M_ constants for math.h
Description There may be five useful new M_ constants to be included in the math.h header.

The latest standard for C++, known as C++20, introduces a header called <numbers>, which contains many math constants, and is similar in intent to XSI's M_ constants in math.h. There's lots of overlap, but the list of M_ constants and list of constants in <numbers> do differ.

Constants in both XSI and <numbers>:
M_E, e
M_LOG2E, log2e
M_LOG10E, log10e
M_LN2, ln2
M_LN10, ln10
M_PI, pi
M_1_PI, inv_pi
M_SQRT2, sqrt2

Constants only in XSI:

Constants only in <numbers>:
inv_sqrtpi (1 divided by the square root of pi, approximately 0.5641)
sqrt3 (Square root of 3, approximately 1.7320)
inv_sqrt3 (1 divided by the square root of 3, approximately 0.5773)
egamma (Euler-Mascheroni constant, approximately 0.5772)
phi (golden ratio, approximately 1.6180)

XSI: [^]
C++20 draft standard (specifically section 26.9, page 1224): [^]
P0631R8 Math Constants (The original paper on <numbers>): [^]
Notably, this paper references XSI.

I'm not a mathematician, so I'm not sure whether adding those five new constants from <numbers> would be considered useful, or considered clutter. Please chime in.
Personally, I've only ever used M_PI out of all the M_ constants, but I'm glad it's there when I do use it, and I'm glad all the constants are there.
Desired Action I'd like for people to examine the usefulness of the five new constants. If they're judged useful:
Add to the section on math.h, immediately after the other M_ constants (or interspersed with them), and also XSI-marked:
Value of 1/sqrt(pi)
Value of sqrt(3)
Value of 1/sqrt(3)
Value of [lower-case gamma], Euler-Mascheroni constant
Value of [lower-case phi], ( (1 + sqrt(5))/2 ), golden ratio constant

Of course, the "Value of" text would use more fitting symbols than I was able to use here, for the values.
Tags issue8
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-  Notes
andras_farkas (reporter)
2021-08-07 21:32

Actually, there could be some changes to my desired action proposal.
M_1_SQRT3 should certainly be M_SQRT1_3 in order to match M_SQRT1_2
M_1_SQRTPI could also be M_SQRT1_PI to match.
andras_farkas (reporter)
2021-08-07 21:41

Thus, desiring to be consistent with the standard as it already exists, this is my new desired action:
Add to the section on math.h, immediately after the other M_ constants (or interspersed with them), and also XSI-marked:
Value of 1/sqrt(pi)
Value of sqrt(3)
Value of 1/sqrt(3)
Value of [lower-case gamma], Euler-Mascheroni constant
Value of [lower-case phi], ( (1 + sqrt(5))/2 ), golden ratio constant
geoffclare (manager)
2021-12-02 17:24
edited on: 2021-12-02 17:39

Add the requested new M_ symbolic constants to <math.h> using the names in Note: 0005431 in an order determined by the editor all with XSI shading.
Also add XSI shading to (2018 edition) P288, L9745-9746 and extend the shading down to L9759 (as a single shading block).

geoffclare (manager)
2022-01-13 10:13

While applying this bug, on seeing the updated list with the additions in place, I decided it made more sense to add the name M_1_SQRTPI from the Desired Action, instead of M_SQRT1_PI, so that it forms a consistent set with M_1_PI, M_2_PI, and M_2_SQRTPI.

- Issue History
Date Modified Username Field Change
2021-08-07 20:59 andras_farkas New Issue
2021-08-07 20:59 andras_farkas Name => Andras Farkas
2021-08-07 20:59 andras_farkas Section => math.h
2021-08-07 21:32 andras_farkas Note Added: 0005430
2021-08-07 21:41 andras_farkas Note Added: 0005431
2021-12-02 17:24 geoffclare Note Added: 0005541
2021-12-02 17:25 geoffclare Final Accepted Text => Note: 0005541
2021-12-02 17:25 geoffclare Status New => Resolved
2021-12-02 17:25 geoffclare Resolution Open => Accepted As Marked
2021-12-02 17:25 geoffclare Tag Attached: issue8
2021-12-02 17:39 geoffclare Note Edited: 0005541
2022-01-13 10:13 geoffclare Note Added: 0005598
2022-01-13 10:13 geoffclare Status Resolved => Applied
2024-06-11 09:12 agadmin Status Applied => Closed

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