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Aardvark Mark IV

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ID Category Severity Type Date Submitted Last Update
0001525 [1003.1(2016/18)/Issue7+TC2] System Interfaces Editorial Clarification Requested 2021-10-15 16:07 2024-06-11 09:07
Reporter ben_pfaff View Status public  
Assigned To ajosey
Priority normal Resolution Accepted  
Status Closed  
Name Ben Pfaff
User Reference
Section close()
Page Number 689
Line Number 23562
Interp Status ---
Final Accepted Text
Summary 0001525: only the close() of the last fd for a socket should destroy the socket
Description The description of close() repeatedly says that various actions only take place when the last fd for an object is closed. For example:

"When all file descriptors associated with a pipe or FIFO special file are closed..."

"When all file descriptors associated with an open file description have been closed, ..."

"The last close() for a STREAM..."

"If fildes refers to the master side of a pseudo-terminal, and this is the last close, ..."

But it does not say that for sockets: "If fildes refers to a socket, close() shall cause the socket to be destroyed." This suggests behavior that implementations do not (and should not) implement.
Desired Action Change: "If fildes refers to a socket, close() shall cause the socket to be destroyed."

to: "When all file descriptors associated with a socket have been closed, the socket shall be destroyed."
Tags tc3-2008
Attached Files

- Relationships

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- Issue History
Date Modified Username Field Change
2021-10-15 16:07 ben_pfaff New Issue
2021-10-15 16:07 ben_pfaff Status New => Under Review
2021-10-15 16:07 ben_pfaff Assigned To => ajosey
2021-10-15 16:07 ben_pfaff Name => Ben Pfaff
2021-10-15 16:07 ben_pfaff Section => close()
2021-10-15 16:07 ben_pfaff Page Number => ?
2021-10-15 16:07 ben_pfaff Line Number => ?
2021-10-15 18:38 eblake Project 1003.1(2004)/Issue 6 => 1003.1(2016/18)/Issue7+TC2
2021-10-15 18:39 eblake Page Number ? => 689
2021-10-15 18:39 eblake Line Number ? => 23562
2021-10-15 18:39 eblake Interp Status => ---
2022-01-13 17:10 Don Cragun Status Under Review => Resolved
2022-01-13 17:10 Don Cragun Resolution Open => Accepted
2022-01-13 17:10 Don Cragun Tag Attached: tc3-2008
2022-02-04 10:08 geoffclare Status Resolved => Applied
2024-06-11 09:07 agadmin Status Applied => Closed

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