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Aardvark Mark IV

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ID Category Severity Type Date Submitted Last Update
0001709 [Issue 8 drafts] Shell and Utilities Editorial Omission 2023-05-07 13:54 2024-06-11 09:12
Reporter rillig View Status public  
Assigned To
Priority normal Resolution Accepted As Marked  
Status Closed   Product Version Draft 3
Name Roland Illig
User Reference
Section make
Page Number 3112
Line Number 104860
Final Accepted Text Note: 0006356
Summary 0001709: Specify handling of '#' in macro definitions
Description The section about macro definitions seems unorganized.

For example, the handling of '#' characters is only specified for the '?=' macro definition operator but not for the 5 other operators.

There should be a general introduction before definiting the specific assignment operators. The handling of '#' characters and white-space characters around the macro name, the operator and the macro value should take place in this general introduction.

     Macro definitions have the form 'name op value', where:

           name    is a single-word macro name,

           op      is one of the macro definition operators described
                   below, and

           value   is interpreted according to the macro definition operator.

As a reader, I also wonder why 'string1' is named so unspecifically instead of using 'name' for it. On the other hand, I understand that 'string2' is interpreted differently for each operator, thus the name 'value' wouldn't fit perfectly.
Desired Action Reorganize the section 'Macros' to have the general parts first, followed by the operator-specific parts.
Tags applied_after_i8d3, issue8
Attached Files

- Relationships

-  Notes
geoffclare (manager)
2023-06-26 15:51

Delete lines 104882-104885.

- Issue History
Date Modified Username Field Change
2023-05-07 13:54 rillig New Issue
2023-05-07 13:54 rillig Name => Roland Illig
2023-05-07 13:54 rillig Section => make
2023-05-07 13:54 rillig Page Number => 3112
2023-05-07 13:54 rillig Line Number => 104860
2023-06-26 15:51 geoffclare Note Added: 0006356
2023-06-26 15:52 geoffclare Final Accepted Text => Note: 0006356
2023-06-26 15:52 geoffclare Status New => Resolved
2023-06-26 15:52 geoffclare Resolution Open => Accepted As Marked
2023-06-26 15:53 geoffclare Tag Attached: issue8
2023-06-26 17:54 rillig Note Added: 0006360
2023-06-26 17:55 rillig Note Deleted: 0006360
2023-07-18 10:55 geoffclare Status Resolved => Applied
2023-07-18 10:56 geoffclare Tag Attached: applied_after_i8d3
2024-06-11 09:12 agadmin Status Applied => Closed

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