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ID Category Severity Type Date Submitted Last Update
0000831 [1003.1(2013)/Issue7+TC1] System Interfaces Editorial Clarification Requested 2014-03-29 23:16 2014-04-03 15:35
Reporter sstewartgallus View Status public  
Assigned To
Priority normal Resolution Duplicate  
Status Closed  
Name Steven Stewart-Gallus
User Reference
Section readdir_r
Page Number
Line Number
Interp Status ---
Final Accepted Text
Summary 0000831: How to allocate memory for readdir_r is unclear.
Description The Linux man-pages project suggests that one allocates memory for the
entry structure passed to readdir_r as follows:

    len = offsetof(struct dirent, d_name) +
              pathconf(dirpath, _PC_NAME_MAX) + 1
    entryp = malloc(len);

This seems wrong, the Linux man-pages say that _PC_NAME_MAX returns
the maximum length of a filename that a process is allowed to create
and not the maximum length of a filename allowed in a directory.

The POSIX standard does not give a clear explanation of how to
allocate memory for the directory entries. I hypothesize that what is
intended is that one allocates space for an entry with a name
containing at least {NAME_MAX}+1 elements and that one reallocates the
entry length (perhaps doubling or tripling it) when an EOVERFLOW error

POSIX seems to suggest this interpretation in it's explanation for
fpathconf, and pathconf:

    Note that implementations are allowed to accept pathnames longer
    than {PATH_MAX} bytes long, but are not allowed to return
    pathnames longer than this unless the user specifies a larger
    buffer using a function that provides a buffer size argument.

This suggest that one would not get an entry from readdir_r if the
entry was too small but only possibly an EOVERFLOW error.

Given that there are misunderstandings of how to use the readdir_r
function out in the wild and that POSIX does not give a clear
explanation I would like to request an example in the standard
clarifying how one should use the readdir_r function.
Desired Action Please add a clarifying example to the documentation for readdir_r.
Tags No tags attached.
Attached Files

- Relationships
duplicate of 0000696Closed either NAME_MAX shouldn't be optional, or readdir_r() needs clarification 

-  Notes
eblake (manager)
2014-03-29 23:33

We are proposing marking readdir_r as obsolete in the next version of the standard, because its interface is inherently unusable by design. See more details in 0000696
sstewartgallus (reporter)
2014-03-29 23:56
edited on: 2014-03-30 00:17

Thank you, my apologies for opening a duplicate issue. I will eagerly follow the status in [^]

- Issue History
Date Modified Username Field Change
2014-03-29 23:16 sstewartgallus New Issue
2014-03-29 23:16 sstewartgallus Name => Steven Stewart-Gallus
2014-03-29 23:16 sstewartgallus Section => readdir_r
2014-03-29 23:32 eblake Relationship added duplicate of 0000696
2014-03-29 23:33 eblake Note Added: 0002208
2014-03-29 23:56 sstewartgallus Note Added: 0002209
2014-03-30 00:16 sstewartgallus Note Edited: 0002209
2014-03-30 00:17 sstewartgallus Note Edited: 0002209
2014-03-30 00:17 sstewartgallus Note Edited: 0002209
2014-04-03 15:35 nick Interp Status => ---
2014-04-03 15:35 nick Status New => Closed
2014-04-03 15:35 nick Resolution Open => Duplicate

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