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ID Category Severity Type Date Submitted Last Update
0001568 [Issue 8 drafts] Shell and Utilities Editorial Error 2022-03-12 19:38 2024-06-11 09:12
Reporter cmsmith View Status public  
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Priority normal Resolution Accepted  
Status Closed   Product Version Draft 2.1
Name Curtis Smith
User Reference
Section 1.5 Considerations for Utilities in Support of Files of Arbitrary Size
Page Number 2307
Line Number 74286
Final Accepted Text
Summary 0001568: sum utility listed as standard utility in spite of its intentional exclusion
Description The historic *sum* utility is noted in the *cksum* rationale and also in the C.3.3 Exclusion of Utilities section with the net effect that *sum* is intentionally not in the standard, yet there are references to it suggesting that it is.
Desired Action Delete line 74286 on page 2307 which lists "sum : Print checksum and block or byte count of a file" from the list of utilities in support of files of arbitrary sizes.

On page 3614, remove references to the sum utility: in particular,

change "The cat, cksum, cmp, cp, dd, mv, sum, and touch utilities" to "The cat, cksum, cmp, cp, dd, mv, and touch utilities" on line 124855, and

change "The cat, cksum, cmp, dd, df, du, ls, and sum utilities" to "The cat, cksum, cmp, dd, df, du, and ls utilities" on line 124857.
Tags tc3-2008
Attached Files

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- Issue History
Date Modified Username Field Change
2022-03-12 19:38 cmsmith New Issue
2022-03-12 19:38 cmsmith Name => Curtis Smith
2022-03-12 19:38 cmsmith Section => 1.5 Considerations for Utilities in Support of Files of Arbitrary Size
2022-03-12 19:38 cmsmith Page Number => 2307
2022-03-12 19:38 cmsmith Line Number => 74286
2022-03-12 20:50 Don Cragun version => Draft 2.1
2022-04-21 15:34 Don Cragun Status New => Resolved
2022-04-21 15:34 Don Cragun Resolution Open => Accepted
2022-04-21 15:36 Don Cragun Tag Attached: tc3-2008
2022-05-23 11:26 geoffclare Status Resolved => Applied
2024-06-11 09:12 agadmin Status Applied => Closed

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