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ID Category Severity Type Date Submitted Last Update
0000087 [1003.1(2008)/Issue 7] System Interfaces Objection Error 2009-06-29 17:30 2013-04-16 13:06
Reporter geoffclare View Status public  
Assigned To ajosey
Priority normal Resolution Accepted As Marked  
Status Closed  
Name Geoff Clare
User Reference
Section fflush
Page Number 844
Line Number 28024
Interp Status Approved
Final Accepted Text Note: 0000181
Summary 0000087: fflush and ungetc
Description _____________________________________________________________________________
 OBJECTION Enhancement Request Number 17
 gwc:xxxxxxxxxxxxx Defect in XSH fflush (rdvk# 2)
 [gwc fflush and ungetc] Fri, 12 Dec 2008 10:23:07 +0000

 The descriptions of fflush() and fclose() state:

     If the file is not already at EOF, and the file is one capable of
     seeking, the file offset of the underlying open file description
     shall be adjusted so that the next operation on the open file
     description deals with the byte after the last one read from or
     written to the stream being [flushed/closed].

 I believe the intention of the statement is that implementations
 should do the equivalent of lseek(fileno(fp), ftello(fp), SEEK_SET).
 The point is to prevent data loss when changing the active handle for
 an open file description to a handle in a different process. Thus if
 app1 uses stdio to read from stdin,

     { app1; app2; } < file

 works as expected without app1 having to do anything special. It just
 reads from stdin and then closes it (explicitly or implicitly).

 However, the wording used does not match this intent when ungetc() is

 Suppose app1 is the type of application that performs read-ahead when
 it parses its input, and the last thing it did is to call ungetc()
 before closing standard input. In this case the lseek() above is
 still the right thing for the implementation to do, so that app2 will
 read the first byte that was "unwanted" by app1. However, that's not
 what the statement in the standard requires. The last byte read by app1
 was the byte that it passed to ungetc(). The ungetc() doesn't change
 history; it changes what is returned by the next read on the stream
 (if any).

 To match the intent, the wording should be changed so that it simply
 says the file offset of the underlying open file description is set to
 the file position of the stream.

 Another issue is what happens after an ungetc() and fflush() if the
 active file handle does not change, i.e. there is a subsequent read
 from the same stream. Should fflush() discard the pushed-back byte

 or not? Given that the file offset of the underlying open file
 description has (for the reasons above) been set to the file position
 of the stream, I think fflush() does have to discard the pushed-back
 byte. Otherwise that byte will be read twice after the fflush().

Desired Action Change:

     the file offset of the underlying open file description shall be
     adjusted so that the next operation on the open file description
     deals with the byte after the last one read from or written to the
     stream being flushed.


     the file offset of the underlying open file description shall be
     set to the file position of the stream, and any characters pushed
     back onto the stream by ungetc() or ungetwc() that have not
     subsequently been read from the stream shall be discarded.

 At page 805 line 26801 section fclose, change:

     the file offset of the underlying open file description shall be
     adjusted so that the next operation on the open file description
     deals with the byte after the last one read from or written to the
     stream being closed.


     the file offset of the underlying open file description shall be
     set to the file position of the stream.
Tags tc1-2008
Attached Files

- Relationships
related to 0000480Closedajosey 1003.1(2008)/Issue 7 freopen, fclose effect on multiple file handles 
related to 0000452Closedajosey 2008-TC1 fflush changes need counterpart unget[w]c changes 
related to 0000093Closedajosey 1003.1(2008)/Issue 7 ungetc fseeko 
related to 0000482Closedajosey 2008-TC1 fclose change needs updating to match bug 87 change 
related to 0000816Closed 1003.1(2013)/Issue7+TC1 does fflush(NULL) affect seekable read streams? 
related to 0000701Closed 1003.1(2013)/Issue7+TC1 unget[w]c() and file position after discarding push back 

-  Notes
ajosey (manager)
2009-08-06 15:56
edited on: 2011-06-16 15:04

Interpretation response
The standard is unclear on this issue, and no conformance
distinction can be made between alternative implementations based
on this. This is being referred to the sponsor.


Notes to the Editor (not part of this interpretation):

Make the change suggested in Note: 0000838

eblake (manager)
2011-05-23 17:03

This change is incomplete - it introduces a conflict with existing wording
in unget[w]c, which requires the file position to be reset to the position
that was in effect before the pushed-back bytes when pushed-back bytes are
discarded. That is, if the file underlying stream f contains the bytes
"hello world" and is currently at position 5 (the space), then the sequence
fgetc(f); ungetc('@', f); fflush(f); fgetc(f) should return space per this
bug's fflush() wording, but 'w' per the existing ungetc() wording, based on
whether fflush set the underlying file position back to position 5 (as if
the first fgetc and ungetc had never happened), vs. position 6 (the
position before any characters were pushed back).

The simplest solution is to delete the phrase "or discarding" from line
67928 (ungetc) and 67972 (ungetwc), which I believe matches the intent.
After all, in the case of '{ app1; app2; } < seekable', if app1 does an
ungetc, then app2 should start at the point of the byte ignored by app1,
rather than skipping over that byte. More specifically:

On Page: 2151 Line: 67927 Section: ungetc()
In the DESCRIPTION section, change from:
The value of the file-position indicator for the stream after reading
or discarding all pushed-back bytes shall be the same as it was before
the bytes were pushed back.
The value of the file-position indicator for the stream after reading
all pushed-back bytes shall be the same as it was before the bytes were
pushed back.
Rationale: Pushed-back bytes discarded by fflush() are re-read from a
seekable underlying file, rather than skipped.

On Page: 2152 Line: 67971 Section: ungetwc()
In the DESCRIPTION section, change from:
The value of the file-position indicator for the stream after reading
or discarding all pushed-back characters shall be the same as it was
before the characters were pushed back.
The value of the file-position indicator for the stream after reading
all pushed-back characters shall be the same as it was before the
characters were pushed back.
Rationale: Pushed-back characters discarded by fflush() are re-read
from a seekable underlying file, rather than skipped.
geoffclare (manager)
2011-06-15 16:13
edited on: 2012-01-31 17:12

New proposed changes which take into account Note: 0000789 above,
Note: 0000895 below, Note: 0000790 from 0000452 and email on the mailing list...


    the file offset of the underlying open file description shall be
    adjusted so that the next operation on the open file description
    deals with the byte after the last one read from or written to the
    stream being flushed.


    the file offset of the underlying open file description shall
    be set to the file position of the stream, and any characters
    pushed back onto the stream by ungetc() or ungetwc() that have not
    subsequently been read from the stream shall be discarded (without
    further changing the file offset).

At page 805 line 26801 section fclose, change:

     the file offset of the underlying open file description shall be
     adjusted so that the next operation on the open file description
     deals with the byte after the last one read from or written to the
     stream being closed.


     the file offset of the underlying open file description shall be
     set to the file position of the stream if the stream is the active
     handle to the underlying file description.

On Page: 2151 Line: 67927 Section: ungetc()
In the DESCRIPTION section, change from:

    The value of the file-position indicator for the stream after reading
    or discarding all pushed-back bytes shall be the same as it was before
    the bytes were pushed back.


    The value of the file-position indicator for the stream after
    all pushed-back bytes have been read, or discarded by calling
    fseek(), [CX]fseeko(),[/CX] fsetpos(), or rewind() [CX](but
    not fflush())[/CX], shall be the same as it was before the bytes
    were pushed back.

On Page: 2152 Line: 67971 Section: ungetwc()
In the DESCRIPTION section, change from:

    The value of the file-position indicator for the stream after reading
    or discarding all pushed-back characters shall be the same as it was
    before the characters were pushed back.


    The value of the file-position indicator for the stream after
    all pushed-back characters have been read, or discarded by calling
    fseek(), [CX]fseeko(),[/CX] fsetpos(), or rewind() [CX](but
    not fflush())[/CX], shall be the same as it was before the characters
    were pushed back.

On Page: 2151 Line: 67920 Section: ungetc()
In the DESCRIPTION section, change from:

    A successful intervening call (with the stream pointed to by stream)
    to a file-positioning function (fseek(), fsetpos(), or rewind()) shall
    discard any pushed-back bytes for the stream.


    A successful intervening call (with the stream pointed to by stream)
    to a file-positioning function (fseek(), [CX]fseeko(),[/CX] fsetpos(),
    or rewind()) [CX]or fflush()[/CX] shall discard any pushed-back
    bytes for the stream.

On Page: 2152 Line: 67962 Section: ungetwc()
In the DESCRIPTION section, change from:

    A successful intervening call (with the stream pointed to by stream)
    to a file-positioning function (fseek(), fsetpos(), or rewind())
    discards any pushed-back characters for the stream.


    A successful intervening call (with the stream pointed to by stream)
    to a file-positioning function (fseek(), [CX]fseeko(),[/CX] fsetpos(),
    or rewind()) [CX]or fflush()[/CX] shall discard any pushed-back
    characters for the stream.

[Note to the editor: these last two changes include the changes from
Mantis bug 93.]

[An editorial correction was made to the last ungetwc() change above,
substituting "bytes" with "characters", on 2012-01-31.]

eblake (manager)
2011-07-28 16:30
edited on: 2011-07-28 16:30

For fclose, there are interactions to worry about when multiple handles
exist to the same file description. If some other handle has become
active and changes the file offset, then fclose must not undo that change
to the file offset merely because fclose was used on an inactive handle.
An example of this is the following code sequence:
  const char buf[] = "hello world";
  int fd;
  int fd2;
  FILE *f;

  /* Prepare a seekable file. */
  fd = open (NAME, O_RDWR | O_CREAT | O_TRUNC, 0600);
  assert (0 <= fd);
  assert (write (fd, buf, sizeof buf) == sizeof buf);
  assert (lseek (fd, 1, SEEK_SET) == 1);

  /* Create a second handle visiting the file */
  fd2 = dup (fd);
  assert (0 <= fd2);
  f = fdopen (fd2, "w"); // stream offset of f must be at 1
  assert (f);
  assert(lseek(fd, 4, SEEK_SET) == 4); // fd is now the active handle
  assert (fclose (f) == 0); // The f/fd2 handle was never repositioned or made active
  assert (lseek (fd, 0, SEEK_CUR) == 4); // so fd should still be at 4

To make this clear, the wording for fclose() at line 26801 in Note: 0000838
should be:
the file offset of the underlying open file description shall be set to
the file position of the stream if the stream is the active handle to the
underlying file description.

ajosey (manager)
2011-08-11 16:02

Interpretation proposed 11 August 2011 for final 30 day review
ajosey (manager)
2011-09-12 15:24

Interpretation approved 12 Sept 2011

- Issue History
Date Modified Username Field Change
2009-06-29 17:30 msbrown New Issue
2009-06-29 17:30 msbrown Status New => Under Review
2009-06-29 17:30 msbrown Assigned To => ajosey
2009-06-29 17:30 msbrown Name => Mark Brown
2009-06-29 17:30 msbrown Organization => IBM
2009-06-29 17:30 msbrown Section => fflush
2009-06-29 17:30 msbrown Page Number => 844
2009-06-29 17:30 msbrown Line Number => 28024
2009-06-29 17:30 msbrown Status Under Review => Resolved
2009-06-29 17:30 msbrown Resolution Open => Accepted
2009-07-01 17:05 msbrown Name Mark Brown => Geoff Clare
2009-07-01 17:05 msbrown Organization IBM =>
2009-07-01 17:05 msbrown Reporter msbrown => geoffclare
2009-08-06 15:56 ajosey Note Added: 0000181
2009-08-06 15:56 ajosey Status Resolved => Interpretation Required
2009-08-11 16:36 Don Cragun Interp Status => Pending
2009-09-17 15:41 nick Interp Status Pending => Proposed
2009-10-12 05:32 ajosey Note Edited: 0000181
2009-10-12 05:32 ajosey Interp Status Proposed => Approved
2009-10-12 05:32 ajosey Final Accepted Text => Note: 0000181
2010-09-20 09:24 geoffclare Tag Attached: tc1-2008
2011-05-23 16:57 eblake Relationship added related to 0000452
2011-05-23 17:03 eblake Note Added: 0000789
2011-06-15 14:56 eblake Relationship added related to 0000093
2011-06-15 16:13 geoffclare Note Added: 0000838
2011-06-15 16:17 geoffclare Resolution Accepted => Reopened
2011-06-16 07:12 Don Cragun Interp Status Approved => ---
2011-06-16 15:04 Don Cragun Note Edited: 0000181
2011-06-16 15:05 Don Cragun Interp Status --- => Pending
2011-06-16 15:05 Don Cragun Resolution Reopened => Accepted As Marked
2011-07-28 16:30 eblake Note Added: 0000895
2011-07-28 16:30 eblake Note Edited: 0000895
2011-07-28 16:31 eblake Relationship added related to 0000480
2011-07-29 09:27 geoffclare Note Edited: 0000838
2011-07-29 10:20 geoffclare Relationship added related to 0000482
2011-08-11 16:02 ajosey Interp Status Pending => Proposed
2011-08-11 16:02 ajosey Note Added: 0000937
2011-09-12 15:24 ajosey Interp Status Proposed => Approved
2011-09-12 15:24 ajosey Note Added: 0000965
2012-01-31 17:12 geoffclare Note Edited: 0000838
2013-04-16 13:06 ajosey Status Interpretation Required => Closed
2014-01-17 22:13 eblake Relationship added related to 0000816
2019-08-29 16:21 eblake Relationship added related to 0000701

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