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Aardvark Mark IV

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    PID # CategorySeverityStatusResolutionUpdatedSummary
System Interfaces
CommentAppliedAccepted As Marked2020-06-17Require fork handlers to be called in certain conditions
Base Definitions and Headers
CommentAppliedAccepted As Marked2020-03-13Should file stat uniqueness proposition be moved to normative parts?
System Interfaces
EditorialAppliedAccepted As Marked2020-02-26Underline tags in strftime Application Usage
Shell and Utilities
EditorialAppliedAccepted2020-02-26ctags -v example in ctags's rationale section missing a newline
Shell and Utilities
EditorialAppliedAccepted2020-02-26j command incorrectly referred to in ed's rationale section
Shell and Utilities
ObjectionAppliedAccepted2020-03-13CONSEQUENCES OF ERRORS for vi tries to define undefined behaviour
Shell and Utilities
ObjectionAppliedAccepted As Marked2020-05-05Clarity needed for initial value of $? at start of compound-list compound statements
Shell and Utilities
EditorialAppliedAccepted2020-02-26Error in table of addresses for address 7,+
Base Definitions and Headers
CommentAppliedAccepted As Marked2020-05-05am_pm value in locales that do not distinguish between am and pm (again)
Shell and Utilities
EditorialAppliedAccepted2020-02-26Documented folder= behaviour contradicts implementations (of folders command)
Shell and Utilities
EditorialAppliedAccepted As Marked2020-05-19Align c99 -o with reality, the standard should not be more restrictive than implementations
Base Definitions and Headers
ObjectionAppliedAccepted As Marked2022-02-21Alignment with C17
System Interfaces
EditorialResolvedAccepted As Marked2019-12-19clarify glob("/", GLOB_MARK, ...) behavior
System Interfaces
EditorialAppliedAccepted As Marked2020-05-05clarify GLOB_MARK behavior
   0001299 [1003.1(2016/18)/Issue7+TC2]
Base Definitions and Headers
EditorialAppliedAccepted2020-01-29netinet_in.h should be netinet/in.h
   0001298 [1003.1(2016/18)/Issue7+TC2]
Shell and Utilities
ObjectionAppliedAccepted2020-01-29ed CONSEQUENCES OF ERRORS unclear about diagnostic message
System Interfaces
ObjectionAppliedAccepted2019-12-17EOVERFLOW does not make sense for tmpfile
Shell and Utilities
CommentAppliedAccepted As Marked2020-04-29POSIX recognizes the existence of dynamically loadable, executable object files, but provides no way of producing them.
Base Definitions and Headers
CommentNewOpen2019-10-10Add method to obtain pthread attributes
Base Definitions and Headers
EditorialAppliedAccepted As Marked2020-02-26arpa/inet.h - origin of socklen_t is unclear
Base Definitions and Headers
EditorialAppliedAccepted As Marked2019-11-21netdb.h - in_port_t and in_addr_t do not appear to be needed
   0001288 [1003.1(2016/18)/Issue7+TC2]
Base Definitions and Headers
ObjectionAppliedAccepted2019-11-21RE Bracket Expression item 8 should not say "rejected as an error"
System Interfaces
ObjectionAppliedAccepted As Marked2019-12-05fnmatch() handling of backslash in bracket expressions
   0001286 [1003.1(2016/18)/Issue7+TC2]
Shell and Utilities
ObjectionAppliedAccepted2019-11-21positive increments *increase* the nice value in renice
Shell and Utilities
EditorialAppliedAccepted As Marked2019-11-21There should be a line-break before the 2nd trap in the synopsis
   0001284 [1003.1(2016/18)/Issue7+TC2]
System Interfaces
CommentAppliedAccepted2019-11-21The sense of "checksum" test is too narrow.
System Interfaces
ObjectionAppliedAccepted As Marked2019-12-05should chmod() ignore file type bits in st_mode
Base Definitions and Headers
EditorialAppliedAccepted As Marked2022-07-19mqueue.h - pthread_attr_t is listed as defined but unclear why
   0001281 [1003.1(2016/18)/Issue7+TC2]
Shell and Utilities
ObjectionAppliedAccepted2019-11-21ex substitute command missing statement about error
System Interfaces
EditorialAppliedAccepted As Marked2019-11-21Error requirements with UTIME_OMIT
Shell and Utilities
ObjectionAppliedAccepted As Marked2022-08-05non-name=value should not be an ASSIGNMENT_WORD
Shell and Utilities
EditorialAppliedAccepted As Marked2019-11-20Problems with -n flag in the specification of pax.
   0001277 [1003.1(2016/18)/Issue7+TC2]
Shell and Utilities
EditorialAppliedAccepted2019-11-20Use of <slash> in an ERE in awk
Shell and Utilities
ObjectionAppliedAccepted As Marked2022-08-05incorrect resolution in 0000839
Shell and Utilities
ObjectionAppliedAccepted As Marked2023-08-10pathname expansion errors
Base Definitions and Headers
EditorialAppliedAccepted As Marked2022-08-05pid_t must fit in an int for definition of fcntl to be consistent.
System Interfaces
ObjectionAppliedAccepted As Marked2023-10-10glob()'s GLOB_ERR/errfunc and non-directory files
Shell and Utilities
ObjectionAppliedAccepted As Marked2019-11-20colon doesn't "expand its arguments" and must not process options
   0001270 [1003.1(2016/18)/Issue7+TC2]
Shell and Utilities
ObjectionAppliedAccepted2019-11-20pax -n SYNOPSIS change from POSIX.2b was not applied
Shell and Utilities
ObjectionAppliedAccepted As Marked2020-04-29yacc: yychar is mentioned but not further specified
   0001268 [1003.1(2016/18)/Issue7+TC2]
Shell and Utilities
ObjectionAppliedAccepted2019-11-20Expansions in double-quotes
Shell and Utilities
CommentAppliedAccepted As Marked2019-11-20sh HOME should not be UP shaded
Shell and Utilities
ObjectionAppliedAccepted2019-12-05sh -s with operands
Shell and Utilities
ObjectionAppliedAccepted As Marked2019-12-05Knock-on effects of Issue 7 change to XCU 2.8.1
System Interfaces
ObjectionAppliedAccepted As Marked2019-12-05"default locale" inadequately specified in newlocale()
System Interfaces
ObjectionAppliedAccepted As Marked2021-05-07Add ppoll( )
Shell and Utilities
ObjectionAppliedAccepted As Marked2019-11-200000941 fix incorrectly applied
Shell and Utilities
EditorialAppliedAccepted As Marked2019-12-05missing first line in ls example output
Shell and Utilities
CommentAppliedAccepted2019-12-04"kill pid" XSI only
Shell and Utilities
ObjectionAppliedAccepted As Marked2019-11-20wrong description for find -atime +7 example
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